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What are the Causes of Fungal Acne?

What are the Causes of Fungal Acne?

Fungal acne is not particularly acne. It is a type of skin condition that is termed pittosporum folliculitis. This acne causes red bumps on your skin, and these bumps get larger sometimes and turn into whiteheads or yellow pus. Anyone can get fungal acne, but it is mostly seen in adolescents and adults with oily skin.  

 Fungal acne is different from regular acne as it is itchy than usual ones. It can occur in any body part, but it is mostly commonly found in the forehead and frontal hairline.   

Let’s discuss some of the causes of fungal acne:   


Dandruff is one of the primary causes of fungal acne. It is generally found on the skin and scalp but can cause an acne-like rash when it grows in excess. Fungal acne, also called Malassezia, feeds on the natural oils produced by our skin, specifically sebum which clogs hair follicles and can lead to tiny, itchy whiteheads or pimples. This acne-like rash can be uncomfortable and can cause social anxiety.  

Exposure to Warm and Damp Environments   

The Malassezia yeast that causes fungal acne requires certain conditions to grow and multiply with time. When the skin is warm and damp, such as after a workout or in hot and humid weather, it can create an environment where the yeast can flourish. In these conditions, sweat and oil can build up on the skin providing the yeast with a food source. This is why fungal acne is often spotted in the back and chest, which are areas where sweat and moisture can get trapped easily.  

Excessive Use of Certain Cosmetic Products   

Several cosmetic products, such as oils, esters, and fatty acids, can contribute to fungal acne. This is because the yeast feeds on these ingredients, which can provide a food source for it to thrive. Using too many of these products can create an environment for growing fungal acne and becomes difficult to treat. So, to avoid such conditions, it is necessary to look for such products that are labeled as non-comedogenic or oil-free, which can help prevent the overgrowth of acne on the skin.   

Use of Antibiotics    

When we take antibiotics, they kill bacteria that are causing infection as well as the healthy bacteria that live on our skin. This can be harmful because these healthy bacteria help maintain a balance on our skin, and when they are disturbed, the skin becomes more susceptible to infections. Additionally, antibiotics can lead to an overgrowth of fungi, worsening fungal acne symptoms.     

Final Words   

Fungal acne is treated differently as compared to other acne problems. It can sometimes be irritating as it is itchy and uncomfortable for people suffering from such problems. The dermatology pharmacy in Jacksonville has some of the best medications for fungal acne. Get in touch with us today for dermatology compounded medications.

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