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Long Term Effects Of Erectile Dysfunction

long term effects of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction has become a common problem these days. According to the American Urological Association, ED affects nearly 30 million males. A person suffering from ED may not be able to keep the erection firm for sexual intercourse. The reasons behind ED may be physical or psychological.

Men with this embarrassing problem are prone to higher risks of heart attacks, strokes, and much more. They are more likely to be depressed and have no self-confidence. If left untreated, erectile dysfunction can have adverse effects on men, affecting their physical as well as mental health.

Long Term Effects of ED

Many men face difficulty in keeping their erection firm. However, due to the stigma attached to the subject, they feel too embarrassed talking to anyone or visiting a doctor. But if there is no intervention, ED can have worse effect on men. Living with the problem for a longer duration can result in:

Dissatisfactory Sex Life 

A person who has erectile dysfunction could face problems with erections and may not have sexual desires. This could put a full stop to their sexual life. It can affect both partners equally. In some cases, it has been the reason behind divorce or separation.


Erectile dysfunction can make a person feel confused, anxious, and stressed out. If a person has too much stress, then that can interrupt the blood flow in the brain, which can result in more anxiety and behavioral changes.

Inability to Get Partner Pregnant

Starting a family does not always mean having children biologically. One can always go for adoption or IVF treatment. But for those couples who prefer to conceive naturally, ED can cause a problem.

Low Self Esteem 

The patients suffering from ED lose confidence and feel stressed out as they don’t feel comfortable due to their health condition and feel pressure due to not being able to satisfy their partners. It results in low self-esteem.

Relationship Issues

Erectile dysfunction can make people feel frustrated and helpless as they are unable to take part in sexual activities. It can result in loss of intimacy in marriage and relationships. Since intimacy is important in any relationship, no intimacy can result in broken marriage and relations.

Final Words

People with erectile dysfunction can take some time to recover, but one should never lose hope. Almost all cases of ED are treatable, which can help men have better relations and improve the intimacy between their relationships. Contact us to get a solution to your ED problem.

At Citizen Compounding Pharmacy, we will compound medicines as per your needs. Whether you would like to take the medicine in liquid dosage or want us to replace a compound in your medicine that causes allergy, we can do it for you.

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