Diagnosing any neurological disorders in children can be challenging, as many of them cannot clearly explain their problems to pediatricians. Further, it is difficult to notice the signs and symptoms of neurological disorders. Parents need to keep an eye on their children to notice anything unusual so that it is not too late. Look for the following signs in your children to know if they might be having any neurological disorders:
- Repetitive Seizures
In the beginning, if you observe your child is having seizures like uncontrollable shaking of arms, legs, or breathing problems, then it is likely that your child may have an epileptic seizure. It may be due to infections, brain injury and tumor.
- Floppy Baby
Suppose your newborn baby cannot show enough strength in their muscles and ligaments to support themselves. This is a warning sign of a neurological disorder where the brain fails to send signals to different body parts. However, this abnormality is seen more in infants and can be cured by improving strength and muscle tone through regular therapy.
- Unresponsive Episodes
Sometimes a child keeps sitting in one place and keeps staring without any response to what is happening around. Parents have to be more careful regarding their children’s behavior. If your child also keeps staring into nothingness, it is likely that he may have a neurological disorder.
- Abnormal Muscle Tone
In this condition, the nerves cannot signal the muscle fibers accurately during contraction and relaxation and the muscles remain underdeveloped, leading to high muscle tone. This causes a lot of stiffness in arms and legs and pain in the muscles.
- Delayed Learning
Some children may have developmental delays and face many problems in learning speech and understanding things. It could be hereditary, severe psychological traumas, or some serious infections. It does not necessarily have to mean that it is some neurological disorder. But if the delay continues for the child, then it can be a matter of concern for the parents.
If your child is not paying attention in class or getting bad grades, don’t think that he is dull and not interested in studies. He simply may be finding it difficult to understand everything that is taught in class. In such cases, it is better to visit a pediatric neurologist.
- Developmental Disabilities
In children with developmental disabilities, the process of learning and developing becomes slow compared to other children of the same age. They might begin to sit, crawl and walk much later than others. Such children face a lot of difficulty in communication and have reduced IQ levels.
Final Words
Neurological disorders have become more common in children than adults, so it is important for parents to quickly assess the changes in their children and visit pediatric neurologists at Citizen Compounding Pharmacy for proper treatment.
You can get customized dosages that our pediatrician will compound to help your child get better and lead a normal life.